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Why You Should Start a WordPress Blog for Your Website

Beginning a blog can be a pretty daunting idea if you have no experience and have no idea where to start. But, everyone has to start somewhere. Once you have gotten into the swing of writing one WordPress Blog, you will discover that you follow a similar structure for each.

When writing a WordPress blog, you will want to make sure you include all of the relevant content which you think will target your audience.  Writing engaging content which readers enjoy will create a sense of trust worthiness and encourage repeat website visits and leads.

So, what are the benefits of blogging?

Driving traffic to your website for FREE

By creating effective content that your audience actually wants to read, your brand name will begin to resonate with your customer. The more blogs you write, the more pages your website will have to gain traffic. This is because each page gets indexed. When a page gets indexed, there is a higher chance of appearing high on a SERP- a search engine results page. So, if your aim is to rank highly on Google, adding blogs to your website is a critical step.

WordPress has millions of users

By using a well established platform such as WordPress to publish your blogs, there is already a sense of trustworthiness that the customer will develop. Over 455 million website creators use WordPress, so you can understand how it has gained credibility. You can choose from a variety of visually appealing themes, and what is even better is that it is free. This means you can post whenever you want and you will reach users without spending a penny on advertisement.

You can repurpose content from what is in your blogs to your social media platforms

One of the benefits of writing a WordPress blog is that you don’t have to think about writing more content for while. If you have enough body of text in one blog, you can repurpose it for social media posts and email campaigns. You can even post the link of the live blogs onto the posts and get more website traffic that way. For instance, you can choose snippets from the blog to create four separate posts for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram!

Convert traffic into leads

After you have published a few blogs, you will notice that you have more traffic to your site. Once you have this customer coming to your website, you will want to convert this into a lead. But, how do you do that? Think of things which are on your website which retain customers such as ‘Call to actions’. If you have ‘Free Delivery’ or a contact form saying ‘Sign up here’ this is how you can easily convert your new traffic into leads. When you are writing a WordPress blog, you will want to make sure that you have a call to action at the end of each post, so there is no missed opportunity to retain that customer.

Blogs allow more space for backlinks and link building

Google loves when a website has backlinks. It is a very critical point of SEO to include, as it affects your position in Google and the algorithm. The best way to do this is to include relevant links for your article, to authoritative websites. This is because it shows Google that you are trustworthy and that the content is informative to the audience. By using backlinks in your WordPress blog, from your website, this builds domain authority and improves your overall search engine ranking.

Long Term results

This is one of the best benefits you will get. Once your blog is published and driving traffic to your site, over time you will still see results from that one article. It doesn’t matter if it is the next week, month or year, if a user has found your WordPress blog from Google, or another search engine, you will generate traffic and leads. This is great because from writing an hour’s worth of content, you can have months worth of benefits. 

You can share news about your business 

Showing a more personal side to your business can sometimes remind customers that there are humans behind all of the online services. You can show any positive or exciting news such as events coming up, new recruitment of staff, new ideas and innovation. These WordPress blog posts can show the audience that you are not just trying to sell them something in each post. Making the posts relatable can also encourage the customer to trust your business more.

Contact us

If you are looking to increase your website traffic, gain conversions and improve your website’s SEO, Our Digital Team can help you. We have over 26 years of experience dedicated to online marketing and are a dedicated WordPress Agency. Read more about our work using WordPress here.

If you would like to find out more about what Our Digital Team could do for your business contact us. We are also currently offering a FREE consultation on the effectiveness of your WordPress site, if this is something you would be interested in please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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