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What is Shopify?

what is shopify
What is Shopify?

Shopify is a subscription based ecommerce platform that allows you to set up an online store. The core Shopify product includes everything an online business needs to get started including: templates, payment processing, marketing tools and more. 

Shopify wanted to make it possible so that any store, no matter how big or small could have access to a platform that allows their business to evolve accordingly. To do this, on top of the core product, Shopify offers merchants upgrades and additional services.

A great element of Shopify is that there are different payment plans available to suit the size and budget of your business. As your business grows, you can upgrade your Shopify subscription accordingly.

Shopify merchants are able to to sell online or in physical locations with Shopify’s POS system. The point of sale app is great for businesses who want or have an online and physical presence. Find out more about creating and marketing your Shopify site in one of our previous blog articles.

The core product of the platform is to allow you to create an online business and start selling. It gives you access to everything you need to get started included templates, tools and add ons. The whole purpose of this is to help you generate a functionable site. The addons can help to improve the usability of your site. Shopify also provides integrated payment processing. For those looking to produce a completely unique and fine tuned online store, there are a variety of development tools and development partners that allow you to do so.

What is a Shopify Subscription?

Depending on the size of your store and your budget, you can choose a plan that best suits your business. The benefit of this is that it is flexible and scalable meaning you can update your subscription as your store grows. Shopify is an incredibly popular platform to host ecommerce stores because it is secure for both the business and the customer.

What are Shopify Partners and Experts?

Shopify is an excellent platform. This is because you can work with Shopify partners and experts to get the most out of your store. Shopify experts are trusted, third party agencies and freelancers who offer specialist services for merchants. These services include marketing, sales, store set up, development and troubleshooting. This is great for your ecommerce business because you can work with trusted Shopify Experts to enhance your store.

Contact us

To find out more about Shopify head over to our blog. Alternatively, if you would like to discover how we as an official Shopify Partner and team of digital experts can improve your online store please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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