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Shopify Specialists

Shopify SEO specialists can help your business to rise through the ranks in search engine results, increase your brand visibility and drive traffic to your website. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is a vital digital marketing tactic for any online business. SEO gives your business the opportunity to appear more prominently in search engine results. 

How SEO drives sales

The aim of search engine optimisation is to drive high quality traffic to your website from organic search engine results like Google. The two key strategies that go into SEO is ‘on page’ and ‘off page’. On page SEO involves onsite activity including technical elements, content, site architecture etc. Off site SEO focused on building external links which is important in increasing your site authority which is a ranking factor search engines take into consideration.

SEO helps to drive Shopify sales because when it is done correctly it helps to meet the target audience’s needs. Effective SEO starts by identifying what your target audience is searching for and providing them with the right solution. It’s important to create content that is relevant and useful by your users as well as search engines- for example, you can focus too much on the user experience when the target user may not even get to the site in the first place if you do not apply SEO effectively. 

Shopify Specialists: Our Digital Team’s Approach

Our Digital Team is made up of SEO experts and Shopify Specialists which gives us an excellent understanding of how to improve the SEO of ecommerce websites. There are hundreds of signals that Google takes into account when ranking a site, this means it isn’t easy to get to the top of search results. Beware of agencies who promise to get you to #1 of Google’s search engine results. It’s important to remember that SEO is a long term marketing strategy that takes time to show results.

Our Digital Team creates a long term SEO strategy using tactics that are proven to improve the search visibility of your website. We work as an extension of your inhouse team to share and pass on our knowledge of digital marketing meaning we’re the last digital marketing agency you’ll need.

SEO audit

Contact us today for your free SEO audit where we will take the time to analyse your current website’s SEO health and performance. Once we have done this we can understand which areas of your website work well and which areas we need to focus on as an area of improvement. 

Technical SEO 

The next step is to make sure that the basic elements of search engine optimisation are in working order. This is to give your site the best possible chance of SEO success. 

Competitor analysis

Another key element is to understand who your competitors are. This gives you a good benchmark and allows us to discover missed opportunities. Competitor analysis will help us to learn how your competitors position themselves as well and help us understand how effective they are at SEO. 

Quality content

Also, effective SEO is involves high quality content. Keyword research remains the cornerstone of search engine optimisation- we do the keyword research to identify what people are searching for and ensure that content is optimised for these keywords. Anyone can write content but writing high quality, compelling content that hooks the reader whilst meeting SEO requirements is more of a challenge. 

Reporting SEO results

Search engine optimisation is a marketing strategy driven by data insights, although we admit it is not as creative as other forms of marketing, it is one of the most effective ways to increase your brands online visibility. Therefore SEO is something that should not be overlooked. We give feedback to our clients in monthly reports where we strip back the marketing jargon and provide transparent reports. Here we will discuss the work we have done, share what works, what areas need improvement and what the next steps are.

We are SEO & Shopify Specialists

Our Digital Team live and breath digital marketing and are Shopify Specialists on the Shopify platform after working with a number of Shopify Merchants to improve their stores. We are Shopify Partners that can support you through each and every phase of your ecommerce journey. Please do not hesitate to get in touch today and find out more about how our Shopify Development Company can help your business. 

Shopify Vs WooCommerce

Shopify Vs WooCommerce

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