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Shopify Development Company – Why You Need One

Shopify development is certainly one of the main ways to ensure the success of your ecommerce business. It is critical to keep your Shopify up to date with the latest updates, trends and importantly digital marketing activities. Digital marketing is a long term process that every business needs to invest in at some point if they want to reach their full potential. In this article we are going to be discussing why your business should consider using a Shopify Development Company. 

What is a Shopify Development Company

Whether your business is a brand new idea or an existing brand in need of a revamp, Shopify is the perfect platform to easily update, modify and redesign a website. Typically the term ‘Shopify development’ is associated with building a website. However, an effective Shopify Development Company should be more than that. 

A Shopify Development Company should offer a range of digital services that make the best improvements to your website. This is because having an effective website involves more than just an aesthetic design. An effective website should meet a certain criteria covering all elements of digital marketing. These elements include the following:

  • Easy to navigate
  • Appealing aesthetics 
  • Excellent user experience
  • High quality content
  • SEO friendly

The last point made on our list of the most important elements of web design is SEO. So many websites are not designed with digital marketing and SEO in mind. Therefore, taking a strategic approach towards your Shopify development will ensure a smooth transformation and a scalable store whilst making your business stand out from the competition to search engines.

How A Shopify Development Company Can Benefit You:

A Shopify development company is a great investment for any ecommerce company using or planning to use Shopify as their ecommerce software. An effective digital agency like Our Digital Team should use the following strategies and tactics that can benefit you in a variety of ways.

Digital Transformation and Website Development

Web Transformation involves a complete overhaul in design and programming to enable better functionality. Effective web development should integrate elements of digital marketing from the offset, in particular SEO. Here are some of the benefits of effective digital transformation and website development:

  • Increased return on investment
  • Improved user experience
  • Increase site traffic 
  • Reduced costa and increased profits
  • Enhanced data collection
  • Improved customer strategy

Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimisation otherwise known as SEO is a digital marketing technique that focuses purely on improving your organic search engine rankings. The process is a long term strategy with only 5.7% of pages ranking inside the top 10 search results within a year of publication. Although this number may seem low, if you choose the right Shopify Development Company who are experts in SEO you will be able to see results quicker than that. Organic search is incredibly important but often overlooked by brands and even digital marketers. Statistics shows that 53% of all website traffic comes from organic search which demonstrates the importance of SEO activity. Here are some benefits of SEO:

  • Improved rankings on SERPs
  • Increase site visibility
  • Improved credibility and trust
  • Generates impressive return on investment 
  • Increases the quality of leads
  • You can stay ahead of competition 
  • Increased conversion rates
  • Measurable 

More about how a Shopify Development Company Can Help Your Ecommerce Business

So far we have covered the main elements of how a Shopify Development Company can assist with growing and improving your online business. However, we wanted to delve that little bit deeper to explain why we think every Shopify business needs one. Partnering with a Shopify expert is a good way to get trusted, expert advice for your business. As we’ve covered, with a Shopify expert you can expect a search engine optimised website that functions better. Finally and potentially most importantly, a Shopify Partner Development Company can help to develop a unique and brand specific website for your business.

To find out more about Shopify and Shopify services offered by Our Digital Team head over to our blog or digital marketing services page.

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