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Shopify or Wix

We’ve put together every key comparison between the most popular online web & e-commerce store builders, Shopify or Wix. Can’t decide which one to go with to build your next business empire? We’ve got you covered right here by answering just that question.

The success of your website is heavily reliant on the following areas:

Shopify or Wix has been a long standing debate as to which one is superior over the other. So let’s get started on what each platform has to offer.

Design features

Most people coming to these two platforms are first time users and so the design language, user interface and features will play a massive role in answering the Shopify or Wix debate. 

Shopify has one clear advantage over any of its competitors in this department, that is the ‘managing inventory’ section. However moving past the early stages of designing your website, it lacks the ability to let you add smaller details.

On the flip side, Wix couldn’t make it any easier to drag and drop elements of your website and have a store up in no time. It even has its artificial intelligence feature where it will grab designs from similar stores to build a Wix store for you.

So when it comes to Designing your website we think Wix has the advantage of particular features embedded to make the process more friendly and impactful over its rival Shopify.

SEO tools

For Marketers and business owners looking to make a serious dent in their niche, SEO is extremely important.

In this department Shopify and Wix are quite similar in their offerings. They provide basic optimisation options like, Headings, descriptions, redirects etc.

The main difference comes with the multilingual and international store expansion delivery. Shopify truly shines in letting you grow your store to an international level with it having everything you need, although at some extra cost. Shopify provides an all in one system to take your store to the next level.

Wix however does provide a free multilingual default option on all stores but it only provides base URL translation instead of the whole URL. This is something that can be achieved on Shopify however which is better SEO practice.

So when it comes to Shopify or Wix with SEO tools, Shopify is the clear winner for most stores and especially those looking to expand internationally.

Marketing tools

Shopify offers assistance in 4 main ways of marketing your store;

  • Customer segmentation and targeting
  • Email, Google, Facebook Campaign creation
  • Campaign tracking
  • Customer group building and automating communication

Wix provides similar marketing features.

The campaign integration options with sites like Google, Facebook and Yandex are available. It also lets you add your own authorised digital sellers on your site by adding ads.txt files.

The email campaign creation is also present but the outbound marketing is taken further with creation of social posts, ‘video maker’ feature and also having the fundamentals such as ‘Logo maker’ and traditional marketing features like ‘business card maker’.

So when it comes to Marketing on Shopify or Wix, Shopify has most of the tools you will need and you probably will do just fine, but for those who want a more ‘all in one’ platform for starting up then Wix is the one to go for with those just learning marketing.

If you want any help or expert advice on marketing your business to grow a new client base or an existing one, we have marketing advisers and SEO specialists with over 25 years of experience here at ‘Our Digital Team’. You can contact us for a free consultation by filling out the short form below.

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