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SEO Backlinks: Everything You Need To Know

What are SEO backlinks?

SEO backlinks are links that are found on a site’s page, which then links to a page on another site. Google considers backlinks as good SEO practices, if your page is found with a high number of backlinks, this then allows you to have higher organic rankings. 

Google’s web crawlers look at the links in a defined order, from the most relevant and significant to the least insignificant. Backlinks will always help your site’s Search Engine Optimisation performance, by pulling in your intended crowd. Although, Google has not revealed how it validates backlinks and how legitimate it might think your site is. However, there are many tools available that you can use to give you a good idea of how reliable and legitimate your website might seem. 

Types of Backlinks

No-follow link

If a site links to another website, but the connection doesn’t follow to another page, then this is a no-follow link. No-follow links are not useful for any SEO purposes, as they do not help to contribute to anything. If someone thinks your site is unreliable they may use a no-follow link. 

Do-follow link

Any links that are found within blog posts will then mean these are do-follow links. The big difference between no-follow and do-follow is that do-follows links actually make a difference to ratings. A do-follow link passes authority from one page onto another, which creates better search engine rankings. For do-follow backlinks to actually make a difference, they need to seem as though the SEO backlinks relate to a particular subject, providing essential information. 

Why is the quality of backlinks important for SEO

  • Backlinks help to vouch for your content and the quality of your site to search engines.
  • If more than one website connects to the same page, then this means your content is worth linking to. Therefore, this will improve your SEO performance and ranking positions, meaning you will be more visible to users. 
  • Backlinks allow the search bots to crawl your site and rank your content effectively, SEO backlinks are a part of the search engine optimization process. 
  • SEO backlinks can create a higher domain authority for your site, which means your rankings will then improve. 

How to get SEO backlinks?

Write engaging content 

You always need to give other web pages a reason to link to you. There’s no better way than to write engaging and interesting content. If your content is full of insights and also fun to read, then there’s no reason to stop someone from linking to it. This is the most simple way to gain SEO backlinks, anyone can do it.

Guest posts 

Guest blogging is when you write a piece of content, which is then posted on other people’s blogs, not your own. This helps your link building, as when you submit your content to the guest post, they will allow 1-2 do-follow links back to your website. It is so simple and easy to find guest posts. However, you always need to make sure that what you are writing about is relevant to the guest post site you have found.

Public relations 

Public relations backlink building is a similar technique to getting backlinks that you also may use to gain press. The best way to go about this is to get referred to a news story or any other type of credible source, you can also contact these sources yourself. Connecting with these sources will allow you to update them on what you do as a company, so they can then refer to you as a source in their writing. 


SEO backlinks are one of the most effective approaches to help search engine rankings and to drive more traffic. However, you always need to make sure that you follow the correct backlink practices for them to become effective. If you’re looking to build an SEO backlinks strategy, get in contact us at Our Digital Team today. 

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