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Shopify SEO Experts: Tips To Increase Sales

Shopify is a great platform for ecommerce. It is designed to make the creation of a scalable online store possible, regardless of your technical ability. To do this Shopify has built in numerous features. These include a fully customisable online store, unlimited product inventory and customer data. On top of this Shopify supports all popular payment gateways. Despite the simplicity of the built- in features of Shopify, search engine optimisation (SEO) is still a challenge if you are not one of the Shopify SEO experts.

About SEO in Shopify

There are some components of Shopify’s ecommerce platform that assist in developing the SEO of your site. For example, a built-in blog feature and the ability to redirect URLs without the need for assistance from a web developer. Shopify does fulfil most of the key technical elements needed by marketers to effectively add wealth to content. Nevertheless, these features do not cover all aspects of SEO needed to make a significant difference to search engine results pages.

The pitfalls within a basic Shopify store include that due to the lack of all the essential SEO elements, the platform will sometimes generate duplicate content. This is where products are promoted within different categories to the search engine. It is really important to tackle any issues of duplicate content it can negatively impact your site’s ranking, therefore reducing site visibility and visitors. 

5 tips from the Shopify SEO Experts

This is where Shopify SEO Experts come in. At Our Digital Team, our agency is an official, Shopify partner and recognised team of SEO experts. These titles are earned through dedication and consistent success on the Shopify site. Our team of Shopify SEO Experts have worked with an array of retailers such as Bras and Honey who have expanded into new markets such as the US. We have also increased the search visibility of another of our clients Steak Locker by 200%. The work we complete for our clients involves handling all aspects of a campaign, from website development and any other technical assistance to the creation of effective content and improvements to off-site SEO. 

We have put together our top 5 tips to improve your chances of SEO success in Shopify. These tips may sound technical but with help from an agency like us here at Our Digital Team, your Shopify Store should begin to grow.

Handle the duplicate content issues 

Our first top tip covers one of the pitfalls of Shopify SEO that we mentioned previously. By default, on Shopify, every product listed on your site will be available at two URLs, which are: 

  • Canonical URL path: /products/
  • Non-canonical URL path: /collections/.*products/

It is relatively straightforward to tackle when you know how to do so. The best place to start is by modifying the architecture of your website. To do this you will need to amend some of the core themes within the Shopify platform. Modifying some of the site’s architecture will not affect the way your site is presented to the customer. Instead it will; change the way search engines read and index your site. Once this is altered, this should remove the duplicate content.

Add any additional Schema mark-up

The majority of Shopify installations will have products displayed with the correct structured data format of Google’s best practise guidelines. However, in order to achieve the maximum impact of Shopify SEO, additional structured data should be attached. These add ons are known as schema mark-up and include:

  • Breadcrumb structured data
  • Navigational elements structured data
  • Article structured data 
  • FAQ structured data
  • Local Business structured data 
  • Organisation structured data

Implementing Schema markup boosts visibility, click-through rates, and improves the overall user experience by providing more relevant search results. Its versatility spans various industries, from local businesses to recipes, helping search engines deliver precise and informative results to users, ultimately enriching the web ecosystem.

This example attached demonstrates some of the additional Schema mark-up we added for one of our clients Victory Colours. This additional data which helps to optimise their site.

Shopify SEO Experts

Utilise Shopify apps

As mentioned, Shopify is an excellent ecommerce platform which is one of the reasons it is so popular. One of the key advantages of it is that the platform provides an abundance of additional apps that can enhance the basic platform. Each of these add on’s build complexity to your site, however with this complexity comes drawbacks. Too many add on’s can lead to a longer load speed which not only has a negative effect on SEO but also can impact the user experience. The issue with this is that it may lead to higher bounce rates. 

Take time to remove any redundant apps that may be attached to your website and experiment with apps to find a healthy balance between the functionality of your site and good load time.

Take advantage of site cookies to remarket your products

It is very rare for customers to convert on the first visit to your site. Effective SEO uses a strategic blend of optimising organic search results which is a great way to initially attract site visitors. Once the potential customer is aware of your brand and products, remarketing is a useful way to convert already interested audiences for a relatively low cost, thus maximising your return on investment (ROI). 

Remarketing uses cookies to retarget potential customers by reminding them through a variety of marketing methods of products that they have already shown an interest in. The best marketing channels to use include email marketing, display ads and social media marketing. Statistics show that people who see retargeting ads are up to 70% more likely to convert. 

Secure the right Shopify SEO expert as your partner

Last but not least, our final tip involves acquiring the right partner. Successful digital marketing on Shopify requires multiple disciplines:

  • First of all, having great expertise with Google’s paid advertising is essential. Here at Our Digital Team we are both Shopify Partners and Google Partners meaning we have demonstrated our ability to effectively use paid advertising on these platforms. 
  • Secondly, solid technical expertise is a crucial element of balancing SEO practises with the user experience, both are important in the journey to increasing conversion rate and ROI. 
  • Another important element of an effective partner is great quality content, which again is significant from both an SEO perspective and for the user experience. This is because good content increases the likelihood of a user remaining on your site, and the more good content, the longer they will stay. By improving the user experience, search engines will see that your site is of interest to the target market. This will improve site rankings and make your site more visible to potential customers. 
  • Finally, the last element of successful digital marketing and Shopify SEO is analysing your performance consistently to monitor and record how well your site is doing. This helps you to identify what works, what doesn’t, customer trends and importantly, what your competitors do differently. Analytics are a key component of producing the most effective marketing campaign you can, this is because they provide a great point to learn from.

Ultimately, to successfully apply the 5 tips listed above, you don’t need a big team. What you need is a knowledgeable team of Shopify SEO experts like Our Digital Team.

We are an award winning, qualified team with 25 years experience in the digital industry which is what makes us so effective as Shopify SEO. Our dedication to providing Shopify Merchants with top quality services has gained us our title as an official Shopify Partner. To get in touch and arrange a free 15 minute consultation about how we can assist in improving your Shopify ecommerce site, contact us

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