
WordPress Agency

Our Digital Team are a WordPress Agency which aim to be a help in hand to UK and overseas brands which use WordPress. Our WordPress experts have extensive knowledge and years of experience in web design and web development for WordPress.

If you are looking to increase website traffic and sales, Our Digital Team are the WordPress agency to come to. We know how to improve online presence through a wide range of digital marketing strategies.

We offer a range of specialist digital marketing services for WordPress such as:

You can read more about the digital marketing services we offer and how we can help you on our digital marketing service page.

Our Digital Team is made up of some of the UK’s leading digital marketing experts. Our marketeers have a wide range of experience working with a wide range of clients and are dedicated to providing a high standard in all of the services we offer. This is reflected in both our results and client testimonials.

Our team has worked very hard to get a number of our clients ranking of the first page of Google for targeted keywords. These rankings drive more traffic and more sales to each business.

If you would like to increase sales and traffic to your WordPress site, get in touch with us today. Arrange your FREE WordPress consultation today by contacting us on 0161 883 3681.

best seo plugin for wordpress

Best SEO Plugin for WordPress

The world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is ever-evolving and adapting to trends and online changes. For WordPress users, having the most effective SEO plugin ...

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how to make a wordpress website

How To Make a WordPress Website Guide

In today’s digital age, having a website is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. Whether you’re a blogger, entrepreneur, or a small business owner, creating ...

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wordpress website designer

WordPress Website Designer 

A WordPress website designer is a skilled professional responsible for creating a visually appealing and functional website using the very popular CMS software, WordPress. WordPress ...

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wordpress themes

The Top WordPress Themes of 2023

In the ever-evolving world of web design and development, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is crucial to ensure your website remains relevant ...

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wordpress website

WordPress Website Optimisation

In today’s digital age, where users have a shorter attention span, the speed and performance of your WordPress website can make or break your online ...

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wordpress seo

WordPress SEO: Essential Tips

One of the most widely used content management systems for building websites and blogs is WordPress. Its popularity is mostly due to its simplicity of ...

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