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What is content marketing in digital marketing?

As the internet continues to evolve, traditional marketing methods are becoming less and less effective. One example of a more effective, digital marketing method is content marketing. But what is content marketing in digital marketing?

‘Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience with the objective of driving profitable customer action’. 


What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategy within digital marketing that when done correctly, can be a really effective marketing tool. There are different kinds of content you can produce from articles to videos, podcasts and more. This approach is effective because it signifies to customers that you have relevant knowledge or expertise but it is also a good way to increase brand awareness which puts your business to the forefront of customers’ minds when it’s time to buy. 

How to do content marketing effectively: 


The first step in creating effective content is to identify what customers are searching for. To do this it is important to do keyword research, from here you can identify the average monthly search volume of key terms. Once you know what customers are looking for, we recommend putting together a content plan. This ensures you know what keywords you want to optimise your content for, you wont run out of content ideas and you can remain consistent. 


Effective content marketing should be done on a consistent basis. This is to establish and nurture a relationship between your business and its prospective or existing customers.What’s more, regularly uploading content to a website sends positive signs to Google which is beneficial from an SEO (search engine optimisation) perspective. 

Search engine friendly

Another significant element in creating content is it is useful to the reader but also likeable from a search engine perspective. Google takes into account over 200 ranking factors for its algorithm. By creating compelling content that ticks the boxes in relation to Google’s search engine ranking factors, your content is likely to become more visible to the target audience. This process is known as search engine optimisation or SEO.


Creating relevant content that is useful to the readers gives customers a reason to want to do business with you. Customers who are savvy online appreciate a business that can solve their problems and answer their questions. Plus, the more interesting your content is, the longer they will spend on your page which increases the likelihood of a conversion. 

How Our Digital Team can help

Whilst anyone can write content, writing content that is good quality and search engine friendly is more of a challenge. It requires an excellent understanding of SEO in combination with high quality content creation. Our Digital Team are experts in digital marketing, we know how to meet the requirements of search engine ranking factors and are experienced creative content creators. To learn more about what Our Digital Team can do for your business, please get in touch and receive a free 15 minute consultation.

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